Hi I’m Lily.

I am a PhD student in the Équipe SIMS (Signal, IMage et Son) of Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique at Nantes, France.  I work on characterizing, parametrizing, and resynthesizing expressively performed timbres from acoustic musical instruments. 

I am interested in inferring gestural and physical implications from musical sounds. These may include the physical properties of the sounding objects,  the underlying excitation mechanisms (playing techniques) and additionally the disentanglement of how each of these factors affect the resulting sounds.  My work draws techniques from physical modeling, digital signal processing, and machine listening, to name a few.

Previously, I studied at New York University and Rice University, where I obtained degrees in MS Integrated Digital Media and BS Computational Physics respectively.

Occasionally I express myself through sounds, words and images. I owe my sensibility and drive to the great music of houston texas and its multitude of embodiments living or fictional, stationary or shifting. 

For collaborations of any sort and other inquiries, you may contact me ~here~